Friday, 20 November 2009


- What have you learned from your audience feedback? -

From my online Group on the popular social networking site that the target audience use frequently, i gathered feedback about the trailer, magazine cover and Film Poster.
I have learnt that the effects, both sound and on screen footage contribute to
the attration to the trailer. My target audience also commented on the setting about how they can relate to it therefore would be very interested to go and see it. This consequently was one of our aims that we successfully completed as the specific target audience was drawn to a school setting.

As well as this, i got a comment on the trialer explaining why the person enjoyed the trailer having no voiceover. They explained that narration in the trailer doesnt allow the audicen to create a mental picture in their head about the storyline as this ruins the fun of working it out. Our trailer uses dialouge, footage, title scenes and sound effects eaisily to carry the storyline forwards.

My Questionaire was very helpful as the results showed me what type of films young people are looking for in films at the presant time. It gave me some guidence as to what forms and conventions to include in my trailer. Also what conventions in the film do the audience specifically enjoy, for instance, what makes you jump in the film?. I found this very helpful as in trailers, some of the best bits in the film are shown, therefore we could include this aspect in the trailer to draw the audience in.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009


-How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?-

Here is a video link to my fellow group member contributing their thoughts to this answer.

We took typical elements and conventions from other trailers to make our trailer more realistic.

The trailer, film poster and film magazine cover work well together as all the aspects of each one interlinks with eachother, therefore the audience will see the poster or film magazine cover and instantly think back to the trailer. They all relate to each other through the conventions, for example the title run through all of the campaign. They all contain pictures of the victim with the attackers hand over her mouth which draws attention to the genre.

On each of the film magazine cover, poster and trailer we see a victim which indicates that the film contains a protagonist. also they all include genre defying text which helps the identity of the film therefore our audience will be drawn to watch it. At first we wasn't too sure if that was a big enough technique to entice the audience but after or research, planning and public response, we decided it is a good convention to include.

We have adopted the layout of our campaign from other campaigns to make it seem a realistic, attractive and successful campaign.

Sunday, 15 November 2009


This is a video evaluation in response to the question.
The film poster Represented the slasher horror genre by employing the stereotypical forms and conventions of slasher horror posters. For Instance we looked at some examples...
These posters show a centerised image that represents the films plot and the genre. We have employed this by having am image of one of the actors being restrained with the 'geek's' glasses on, this connotes the same style as the mirroring slasher horror posters. I think this technique is very effective and attractive as you see a bold image that stands out which makes you analyse the poster. The dark and gloomy background adds to the atmosphere and mystery of the film, it also makes the audience focus on the image and title.

The Magazine cover we produced reinforced the generic conventions of magazines.
This example is of a current, existing horror magazine called "HorrorHound". It shows the title clearly with elements in which the issue contains. Our magazine shows these features in the way that we have included an image relating directly to our film, sub-titles entertaining what is inside the magazine and also a catchy title. All of these add to the feel and purpose of the magazine. The aspect that It also contributes largely to our viral campaign.

Friday, 13 November 2009

Directors Commentary...

This is a commentray of our trialer. Instead of a long evaluation, we decided to create a commentary explaining the trailer.

We attempted to add this into our trailer so there were some visual aspect to the commentary but there was some technical difficulties and was unfortunate to create it.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009


Creating an online group on the social network site 'Facebook' allowed me to publicise the film on a popular site used by lots of young people as well as adults. The diversity of the site creates a platform for me to reach out to my target audience aswell as advertise my viral campaign. By incorporating synergy, it allows me to expose my campaign. 

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Magazine Cover...

In the making of our magazine cover, we had many ideas and techniques we wanted to use. We flat planned our layout including text, images and effects to ensure everyone had a part in creating it. First of all we produced a first draft of our magazine cover.

I found this too blury and unclear. it is also unattractive and would not be draw to it on the magazine stand. The text is far too busy and hard to read. The colour of the text doesnt contrast with the background adding to the confusion/unclear look. Therefore my group sat down to disscuss the issues and negative poi9nts of the cover and suggested elements we coul re-do and make better. For instance, use a differetn image. After this we dicided to link the main image to our poster to link our campaign. This image represents the victim in a vunrable position suggesting the genre and storyline.

This is the re-make of our magazine cover...

This is so much better than the first draft of our Film magazine Cover. the text is eaisy to read and the page stands out. It looks professional and relistic, therfore this would be a big hit on the magazien stand. The text weaves around the image creating an effect that the audience is drawn to the image qwithout it over powering the whole page.

Film Poster...