Wednesday, 18 November 2009


-How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?-

Here is a video link to my fellow group member contributing their thoughts to this answer.

We took typical elements and conventions from other trailers to make our trailer more realistic.

The trailer, film poster and film magazine cover work well together as all the aspects of each one interlinks with eachother, therefore the audience will see the poster or film magazine cover and instantly think back to the trailer. They all relate to each other through the conventions, for example the title run through all of the campaign. They all contain pictures of the victim with the attackers hand over her mouth which draws attention to the genre.

On each of the film magazine cover, poster and trailer we see a victim which indicates that the film contains a protagonist. also they all include genre defying text which helps the identity of the film therefore our audience will be drawn to watch it. At first we wasn't too sure if that was a big enough technique to entice the audience but after or research, planning and public response, we decided it is a good convention to include.

We have adopted the layout of our campaign from other campaigns to make it seem a realistic, attractive and successful campaign.